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Hallmark Ministries is a young church whose goal is to identify, enable and equip people for service. It is a place where everyone is valued and where people are helped to identify their gifts, given opportunities and support to develop their gifting and are then released into service.


To transform lives with the Gospel through Spirit-led worship and teaching.


To cater for the whole man by meeting physical, spiritual and social needs locally and globally.


Join fellowship by meeting with us.


Exercise faith in Jesus by accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour.


Offer yourself and your skills within the church.


Support the mission financially with a portion of what you have.


Visiting a church for the first time can be a little daunting. Where do I go? What will people be wearing? Will I be welcome? What is the teaching like? These are all valid questions to ask when looking for a new church. Here is a brief run-down of what to expect at any service:


You should have no problem finding somewhere to park nearby. Free parking is available on all streets around the church.


You will notice an easy-going environment where people are smart/casually dressed. Worship style varies from person to person and we encourage everyone to feel free to participate in worship in his or her own way. We sing a mixture of new songs and old hymns with modern arrangements. Our services generally close with a few announcements and prayer.


When we come into God’s house we expect to hear from Him. Our time of teaching is no different, and we focus on Biblical truths with emphasis on application to our everyday lives. Expect our sermons to last around 30 minutes. Check out our sermon archive here.


We believe that God has blessed us all in different areas of our lives. As a part of worship we take an offering which is us giving back a portion of what we have to God. Giving is an act of the will and no-one should feel pressured.


Every first Sunday of the month those who are saved and followers of Jesus Christ are invited to take part in Holy Communion. This is a time where we reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus, and give thanks for the gift of salvation.

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