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Visiting a church for the first time can be a little daunting. Where do I go? Will I be welcome? What is the teaching like? These are all valid questions to ask when looking for a new church. Here is a brief run-down of what to expect at any service.
Who is Jesus?Jesus is God the Son, and the One in whom we find salvation from sin.
How can I be saved?First you must recognise that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23) and that you need Jesus in your life. Ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you from sin, believe in your heart that He has forgiven you (1 John 1:9).
What is baptism?Baptism is immersion in water. The water does not wash away your sin. Rather, it is a public testimony to the world that you have given up a sinful life and have decided to follow Jesus. It is also a way of identifying yourself with Jesus.
Why should I be baptised?Baptism is a key part of your salvation experience (Mark 16:16). It is a practical way to demonstrate the faith you have put in Jesus. Although baptism doesn’t save you (1 Peter 3:21) a person who genuinely confesses their sin will want to be baptised (Acts 8:36).
How can I be baptised?If you have confessed your sins to God and want to be baptised you can speak to the Pastor and share a testimony of your conversion (Romans 10:9). The Pastor will counsel you and once both of you are satisfied that your conversion experience is consistent with the Bible your baptism will be arranged and affected.
What is prayer and how do I pray?Simply put, prayer is conversation with God. By prayer we build our relationship with God and make our requests known to Him. Whether vocal or internal, God hears our every word.
What version of the Bible do you use?We accept all versions of the Bible that hold true to the original text of God’s Word.
What is the best Bible for me to use as a new Christian?It is important for you to understand the language being used in the Bible you read. Versions such as the NKJV (New King James Version), ESV (English Standard Version) and NIV (New International Version) are very clear and don’t use old English. It is a good idea to visit a bookstore and have a read through, then choose the one you feel most comfortable with. The AMP (Amplified) is a good Bible to study with as it expands the scriptures.
Tell me about Hallmark MinistriesWe are a church who welcome Christians and Non-Christians alike, irrespective of race, religion, culture or beliefs. We are a group of people positioned by God to care for those whose lives are broken, and offer a listening ear to those in need. Hallmark Ministries is for those who simply want a place to worship God with no ‘church politics’ or doctrinal wrangles. However, we do have and support deep Christian beliefs and follow the teachings of the Bible. Click here to find our beliefs.
What does your church believe?Our beliefs can be found here.
Who are Hallmark Ministries affiliated with?We are an independent evangelical group not directly linked to any organisation. However, we are not exclusive. We support and welcome fellowship with any Christian organisation and see ourselves as just another part of the wider church and the body of Christ worldwide.
Must I belong to your denomination to attend?No. Those who attend our church are from different backgrounds. We are not ‘fused together’ by denomination but by the grace of God.
What should I expect form a Sunday service?Singing of contemporary and traditional songs. Testimonies. A time when visitors are welcomed A message from a passage in the Bible. A time to meet, greet and make new friends.
Do you cater for children?At present we do not have a Sunday School or Children’s Church. However, provisions are made for any children in attendance.
Can a visitor take communion?Yes. We encourage all who have accepted Jesus Christ to join us and participate in Holy Communion, whether they are members or not.
How will I know if this church is right for me?Pay us a visit to get a feel of the place and the people. That’s the best way to know! Here you will meet people who are warm, friendly and take an interest in you as a person. We do our best to show love to those who are among us.
How do I become a member?You can visit our church or contact us and request to speak to the Minister.
Do you have a mid-week service?We have Bible study every Tuesday evening 7:45pm - 8:45pm followed by a short social of refreshments and a good conversation.
What happens to the money we give?A portion is used to support our mission work. The rest is used to help the spread the Gospel, assisting local needs in the community, genuine needs among the fellowship and to meet overhead costs.
Where did the word ‘Trinity’ come from if it’s not in the Bible?The word Trinity is a theological term used to help us understand the Godhead -Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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